Traditional vs. longevity medicine

Our approach to longevity medicine

We want to change society’s current perception that it is the norm for healthcare to be trapped in the never-ending cycle of treating age-related diseases.

We envision a society that focuses not only the old, but prepares the young for the medical challenges that lie ahead of them. This society should adapt to both to the increasingly aging population AND to how we change the way we age.

Traditional medical model (2.0)

LMI medical model (3.0)

Onus on patient to seek medical intervention Ongoing, structured follow-up arranged by LMI
Tests performed only when patient reports symptoms of disease Pre-emptive tests and screening years to decades before symptoms appear
Treats bodily systems and diseases in isolation Integrative approach to body health based on The Eight Tiers of Longevity Medicine
Focuses on treating disease only once tangible effects seen Focuses on early interventions to prevent chronic diseases developing
Rigid treatment protocols based on outdated studies and questionable pharma company studies Flexible, dynamic treatment protocols based on the most up-to-date peer-reviewed guidance available

“Working as a GP for 20 years in the UK and Australia, I felt increasingly disillusioned by the restricted offerings of current healthcare systems. My passions have always been preventative medicine, new innovations, and cutting-edge technology. The ethos of the LMI has been developed, in conjunction with a team of like-minded health professionals, to satisfy each one of these passions.”

Dr. Adam Brown, GP and Founder

An unrivalled experience

Experience unparalleled luxury at LMI’s Double Bay clinic: a discreet sanctuary with a state-of-the-art gym and premium care, under one roof.

Doctor analysising patient's CT scan

State-of-the-art technology

From advanced genomics to AI-driven analytics, we leverage the latest technological advancements to accelerate discoveries and translate them into real-world solutions.

Middle-aged man and older gentleman exercising together

Personalised approach

Recognising that each individual is unique, we focus on personalised strategies that cater to specific health needs and genetic profiles, ensuring more effective and tailored interventions.

Take steps now to maximise your chances of aging well

Book an appointment with our expert team of longevity specialists to begin your journey to increased health & lifespan

Elderly couple going on a run together